Friday, April 18, 2008

Shaaaa, you know what?

I have Spring Fever, big time. I just have to admit it. With a bad case of school-itis. Bad combo.

I refuse to go to bed until I do my annotated bibliography. But like a kid who is ordered to stay at the table until she finishes her brussel sprouts (one veggie I hate, along with okra), and consequently the child would rather sit at the table all night to avoid the disgusting, vile food... I think I'll probably just stay up for the next 100 years just to avoid the homework.

OK. Focus Funnel. Get to it.

ETA: Holy Noodle. 2.3 hours later... and I'm finally basically done with that damn annotated bibliography. No wonder I didn't want to do it, it was horrible!! How many times can you say "This source was information for our project." (basically.) I think I did an okay job, but we'll see. Whatever. At least I did it and there's something I can actually turn in now and call it an annotated bibliography. *sigh*