Wednesday, June 4, 2008


I, hate, commas, with, a, passion.

I'm always, always, sticking too many commas in my writing. Be it here or even in term papers. I don't know what it is about me. I need to go to Comma Reform School. Or Comma-holics Anonymous.

I also need to very quickly break my habit of staying up until 0300 and sleeping in until noon. I will have to do that today. School starts next week. *groan* In July I'll have to start waking up in time for an 0800 class.

I'm still a little annoyed with my fall schedule though. I have 3 classes that I'll be attending for sure. I'm waitlisted on 2 other classes. I need to choose one of those to drop and pick up another class that I can definitely get into. Confused? Well, see, I am officially signed up for 9 credit hours. I need to be signed up for at least 12 and that doesn't include waitlisted courses for my financial aid.

I cannot sign up for any more classes because with the waitlist credit hours I'm up to 16. And you can't go over 18. So I need to drop a waitlist class and get myself into a class that I can use and can attend for sure, no waiting.

So this was a really looong, dry way to tell you that I'm in a pickle and I don't know what to do. Not to mention, I did a search online for other classes I could possibly pick up and there isn't one that I'm interested in or can use. This is so frustrating.

It's also frustrating... did I tell you this? That we can only register online at certain times on certain days. My time was late afternoon about 1 week after registration opened. That's so unfair. That's why I'm waitlisted in two classes because they filled up before I even had a chance to register. >:-(

I just had a vegetarian panini and I added some cayenne and chili powder to it. Now I think I have a little bit of those spices in my eye somehow.